Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Morning Breakfast

Good Sunday morning everyone!  I hope you are enjoying this sunny day as much as we are.  It was a bit of a late start today, making it a perfect morning for Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast with Strawberry Syrup.  You can tweak the recipe any way you want based off what you have on hand, half-and-half, blackberries, Neufchatel, etc.  The sky is the limit.

Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

2 (8 oz) cream cheese loaf
2 cups sugar
8 eggs
2 cups whole milk
½ t Nutmeg
½ t Cinnamon
24 slices of French bread
1 container of frozen strawberries

1.) Allow cream cheese to come to room temperature and mix with sugar in mixer;  mix until creamy

2.) Crack eggs into large bowl, add milk, nutmeg, and cinnamon; Wisk until thoroughly incorporated

3.) Cut French bread 1 ½ to 2 inches and cut a slit almost all the way through

4.) Fill each French toast with cream cheese mixture

5.) Once all French toast pockets are filled, dip in egg mixture until thoroughly covered

6.) Refrigerate or freeze until future use

7.) Puree strawberries

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